Find Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code By Bank Branch
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About Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code:
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited customers can access many of the bank's services through internet banking and mobile banking. One of the most important services online is the ability to move money from Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited account to another account. Using these services, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited customers can conveniently send or receive money from anywhere conveniently.
The bank's IFSC Code is the most important thing you need to send money online. Money can't be sent to any account without the right Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code.
IFSC stands for the Indian Financial System Code. This code comprises letters and numbers, and each bank branch in India has its own. This is a code that lets you send money over the Internet.
These are the codes that are used for NEFT.
What is the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code?
The 11-digit IFSC Code for Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited comprises a unique set of letters and numbers. Each branch of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited has a unique IFSC Code that starts with first 4 characters which stands for "bank code." Customers can get IFSC codes for your Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited's branch in several ways, such as through mobile or online banking, their chequebook or bank statement, or by going to the branch in person for any kind of online money transfer, like NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS transactions.
As was already said, you need the IFSC Code to move money within the same Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited's accounts or any other bank in the same country.
Regarding the service:
With this one-of-a-kind number, you can make sure the transaction is safe. Your Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code can be thought of as a safety net for all bank transactions. It is used to ensure that the account receiving the money is real and that the sending bank is on a list of banks offering the service. You can also find a list of the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited or other bank branches participating in NEFT/RTGS and their IFSC Codes on the Reserve Bank of India's website.
Why do we need the IFSC code for your Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited account?
When sending money from your Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited account to a different bank, you must always ensure it goes to the right place. To ensure this, the recipient's bank's IFSC must be given. RBI made IFSC make it easier to move money in India.
So, IFSC of your current Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited Branch is crucial in making sure that money transfers are done quickly and correctly.
With your Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited internet banking and mobile banking, you no longer have to wait in line for hours to transfer money, only you need to share the IFSC numbers to the sender's to make the transaction safely and conveniently.
Use the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code to send money
There are many ways to pay in India, such as gross settlement and net settlement. Now that India has online banking, these payment systems are better than they used to be. Anyone in any part of the world can easily send money to another place by signing up for one of these payment systems.
The RBI set up the system for electronically sending money. You can easily make NEFT Payments by going to a bank office or online banking.
NEFT uses a DNS method (Deferred Net Settlement) and works in batches that begin at 00:30 and end at 00:00 every hour.
Unlike RTGS, NEFT operates 24/7, even on weekends and holidays.
RTGS is a real-time payment system that moves money all over the country. Most of the time, this type of fund settlement is only used for big deals.
When an RTGS transaction is done, the money can no longer be taken back.
Since the RBI is in charge of the RTGS, transferring money through it is safe and easy.
Where can you find the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code?
You can use the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited Website to find the code. Alternatively, you may find the codes from the chequebook or the passbook. The IFSC code is on each leaflet of the chequebook.
You can also find a list of all branches of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited or other bank's branches and their IFSC on the Reserve Bank of India's website.
Platforms for digital banking platforms have made banking in a big way easier, quicker, and safer. So, you can get the IFSC through either the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited Interbanking service or the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited Mobile Banking service.
How do I find the IFSC Code for Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch?
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Codes can be found in several places. Customers can use online and offline methods to find the IFSC code of any Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch. Here is a list of these methods:
Online Modes
Customers can find out about the IFSC Codes of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branches through the following online resources:
1. Internet Banking:
The customer's online banking account has all the basic information about the account and the IFSC Code of the branch where the account is kept. The Account Information tab is where you can find this information.
2. Mobile Banking:
The customer can also get the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code of the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch where their account is held by using Mobile Banking. You can find this information in the customer's profile or account information.
3. Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited Website:
The IFSC codes for all Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited's branches are listed on its website. This will show you everything you need to know about the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch in the chosen city. This will include the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch's full address, IFSC code, hours of operation, Branch ID, and other information.
4. Online Search:
Any search engine can be used to find the IFSC code of an Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch. This is one of the easiest ways to find the code. Customers can find the IFSC Code for Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited by searching for the bank's name, state, and city. After entering these details, customers can find Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited's IFSC codes by clicking on any of the links given and entering these codes.
5. Our website:
By clicking on the search button, you need to select the name of the bank, along with the state and district/area, to get the IFSC code and address of the branch.
Offline Modes
Here are all the ways to get the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC Code without going online.
1. Bank Statement:
The IFSC Code of the your Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch where the customer has an account will be on the bank statement the customer downloads for any set time period.
2. Cheque Book:
The chequebook is another place to find the IFSC Code. On each cheque page, you can find the IFSC Code, the customer's account number, and the location of the branch.
3. Branch:
Customers can talk to the branch executives directly to find out the IFSC Code of the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited's branch.
Ques. How do I find the branch code for my Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited account?
Ans. The last six numbers of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IFSC tell you which Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch you are at. So, you can use the last six numbers of the code to find the Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited branch.